T-UK Back Belt Grading

Sunday 14 May saw the first Black Belt Grading of the year for Taekwon-Do UK.  Students have been working hard and preparing for this grading and now the day was here. 


First up were the black tag students making that all important step up to 1st Degree Black Belt.  There was a fairly large group and they were thoroughly put through their paces by Master Archer, Master Ridley and Master Miley. All students gave their absolute all in the grading and there were some excellent performances, particularly from some of the younger students.

Results and certificates were presented by our panel of Masters, watched by some extremely proud relatives of the students involved!


After some time was given for celebrations and for the students to take pictures in the dojang with the Masters and their Instructors it was time for the next grading session to begin.  We had several of our young students taking star grades as well as some taking the step up to full 2nd Degree.  This was another extremely thorough grading, with the students taking 2nd Degrees in particular having to really work to show they were ready to step up to 2nd Degree.  The Masters gave them a very thorough grading and all students who passed on Sunday should be very proud of themselves for the effort they put in and the standards that were achieved.


Thank you to all the Instructors who have been working hard to prepare their students for the grading as well as to the students themselves for giving their all in the grading and in the weeks and months running up to the grading.  Finally, thank you to our Masters for running a very thorough and efficient grading.

Ian Ridley